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Host your own product drive and collect menstrual products/condoms for Barrier Babes.
We collect individually wrapped tampons, pads, and liners of all sizes, and new menstrual cups. We also collect any size or type of condoms, preferably unscented. Please check to make sure you’re not donating expired condoms - we can’t give those out! Drop off collected products to one of our Second Sundays at Cherry Pit Collective.

Check out our “DONATE” page to become a monthly donor!

Each BB period pack (7 tampons, 7 pads, 7 liners) is estimated to be around $10 in product and packaging. Donate $10 a month and know that you’re putting necessary products into the hands of people who need them.
Follow us on social media and share our content!
Sexual health and period poverty are topics that can be difficult to talk about. Get the word out and help us educate!
Write for us!
As Certified Sex Ed Nerds, we love to spread the word on any sexual health topic. We also believe it’s extremely important to get the voice of our community out there and get people talking about things that are rarely discussed. Poems, drawings, articles - anything is welcome! Check out other articles we have & e-mail us your work or submit an article using the button below. We’d be happy to post it!
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